Problem Solution Essay Example College Due to poorer countries experiencing a 'brain drain' they are seeing many professionals, such as doctors and teachers, leaving to work in more developed countries Mar 24, · Answer: A story that makes the problem seem essential and dramatic is the best way to start a problem solution essay. There are a lot of issues in the world, and if you want your reader to think yours is an important one to solve, you need to catch their attention with something they will remember Sep 17, · Get free examples of the problem solution essay. To make sure you understood all the aspects of creating the problem solution essay, take a look at the examples of the problem solution essays. It is absolutely not hard to find lots of them online. Just try to find the essay on the topic you understand very well so that you could clearly see all
Problem Solution Essay Examples With Topic Ideas
Virginia has been a university English instructor for over 20 years. She specializes in helping people write essays faster and easier. Struggling to find a great topic? Scan the lists below to find questions my students have generated to find something you want to write about. Topics are divided into:. After you have chosen your topic, you can find instructions about how to develop your ideas, find a unique solution to the problem, and organize your essay in "How to Write Your Problem Problem and solution essay examples Paper, problem and solution essay examples.
leroys CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby, problem and solution essay examples. msdilibrary CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby. If you choose a problem solution essay about education, you can narrow your paper's topic to talk just about your own state, or even your own school. marcism CC0 Public Domain via Pixaby. Solving issues about driving: How can beginning drivers be trained better? Question: What do you think of, "What is the best way to help someone who is depressed? Answer: That is a good topic. You might want to narrow it more clearly by saying how can a friend, or family members, the school system, or teachers can help. Question: What do you think of the topic, "What is the best way to prevent deaths from drunk driving?
Question: What do you think about the essay topic "How can we solve problem and solution essay examples Answer: The problem of poverty is very large and I don't think that any paper could really tackle solving the whole problem, problem and solution essay examples. I'd suggest you narrow your topic to make the paper easier to write and more specific. Here are some suggestions:. The difference is that the recommendation report is generally focused on improving a business or institution. Additionally, the recommendation report carefully examines all of the possible solutions, as well as their pros and cons, before making the final recommendation.
The tone is more objective than argumentative. Since a recommendation report tends to be problem and solution essay examples a business, you can find a topic by thinking about the problems a business you know might face. This sort of report could also be written by a government agency trying to solve a problem through legislation. Here are some ideas:. What sort of packaging would make the products of a small store stand out to potential customers at a boutique? Question: What can you do about unsanitary conditions prevailing in your village as an individual and community?
Answer: That is a good problem-solution topic. Here are some other ways of wording that question:. What is the most important thing that individuals can do to improve unsanitary conditions in a village? What is the best way to help people who are terminally ill have a good end-of-life experience? How can we be sure that people who use the Right to Die laws to end their life really want to make that choice? Question: What do you think of this topic as a writing sample for a post-grad program, "How to prevent the stigmatization of special needs children in the society? Answer: You have an interesting topic idea. To develop it, you need to look at research to find out what has worked to best incorporate special needs children into communities, problem and solution essay examples.
You can also ask families, and special needs teachers for ideas of what they have found makes the children most feel included. Answer: Any of these topics on social problems could be used for this sort of essay, problem and solution essay examples. Question: What do you think of the topic, "How can we help the poor in our community? Question: How can I write a good introduction for "Why do start-ups fail? Answer: Your best introduction would be a short story or several short stories a sentence or two about problem and solution essay examples real-life start-ups that failed. Answer: The best kind of introduction for this sort of topic is two-fold. First of all, start with a real or made-up story or scenario of a person who is depressed and how their friend or family member feels in that situation.
Then tell the statistics about how many people experience depression. Your thesis works best if it is written in a question and answer format. The thesis question would be what you have written above, "What is the best way to help someone who is depressed? The starting sentence for the next paragraph can be your thesis answer. Some people like to have it in the first paragraph after the question, problem and solution essay examples. The thesis answer should be: The three best ways to help someone who is depressed are Question: What do you think of the topic, "Are poverty and broken homes causing teenage pregnancy?
Answer: Your topic idea is interesting but it is usually better for your question to not include the answer. Here are some better ways to phrase your idea:. Question: What do you think about the essay topic "What should be done about the problem of texting while driving? Answer: Excellent question which makes it clear what the focus will be. You can make a good opening by sharing some statistics about accidents and how texting is similar to driving while under the influence. You can discuss solutions that are laws and also talk about how each person needs to choose to follow those solutions. It is easy to turn on an app or the setting which won't let you text while driving. I think it makes a good ending of this sort of essay to encourage the reader to use that solution for their own phone use.
Answer: A story that makes the problem seem essential and dramatic is the best way to start a problem solution essay. There are a problem and solution essay examples of issues in the world, and if you want your reader to think yours is an important one to solve, you need to catch their attention with something they will remember. A good story is an excellent way to do that. It can be a personal story, a news item, a typical made-up scenario, a real-life story or even part of a movie plot that demonstrates the problem. Follow that up with some statistics showing the importance of the problem for a wider audience, and you will have a great start!
Question: What do you think of the topic, "How can college students balance their studies and social lives? Answer: Many students struggle with this topic while they are in college and you can probably get a lot of good ideas for how to solve this by talking with your fellow students. Here are some similar topic ideas:. Do you have any suggestions? Answer: I have thousands of topic ideas, to search for a particular topic, the easiest way to find it is to Google the topic, my name, and the website, Owlcation. That is actually what I do when I'm trying to find all of the articles I have on a particular topic.
For this situation, you can Google search just highlight, right click and do "search" for: "Healthcare VirginiaLynne Owlcation. Question: How would you recommend writing an essay topic for the question, "What should be done to decrease problem and solution essay examples suicide"? Answer: The question you have written is fine, but here are a few other possibilities:. As you can see, each of these narrows the topic a bit and suggests the direction of your solution ideas. Question: How is "How can we help homeless people in our community" as a problem solution essay topic? Question: What do you think of "How can we make education better for kids who have trouble in school? Answer: You have an excellent question. It might be good to narrow down the idea of "trouble in school" to be more specific.
Do you want to talk about bullying? Or are you interested in academic trouble? Another interesting topic is how to help students who are gifted but underachieving, problem and solution essay examples. A final idea is a question that asks about how to make education better for students who don't want to go to college and want a career preparation and internship track. Question: How can I develop "What can be done to make college more affordable? Answer: 1. What can parents and students do in order to make college more affordable? Question: What do you think of, "How can schools help develop a healthier society? Question: How would "What can be done to prevent divorce" serve as my problem solution essay topic?
Question: How does this work as a problem solution essay question: What can be done to make sure that people today actually know how to have problem and solution essay examples relationships? Answer: Your question is one that problem and solution essay examples adults are wondering; however, problem and solution essay examples, I think that you will need to be careful to define what you mean by "real. Here are some other ways to word this question:. Many people today face anxiety and stress about relationships.
How can we help people have deep and meaningful relationships? Does spending a lot of time talking by texting or other written communication make relationships less "real? Question: What do you think of the topic, "How can we improve the welfare system to break poverty? Does government housing, food stamps, and other assistance really help people get out of poverty? Question: When writing a problem solution essay, how would I write an introduction and conclusion regarding the strengths and weaknesses of two types of organizations? Answer: One way to do this is to do give several short stories one after the other. These can be stories that show a comparison of the two organizations, or ones that show both weaknesses and strengths. Question: What do you think of the topic, "How can we improve literacy?
Question: Can you help me find a topic for a research paper? I thought about maybe doing something related to the challenges patients face when participating in clinical trials.
Problem Solution Essay - Example and Writing Tips - EssayPro
, time: 7:51Problem Solution Essay Examples - Sample College Essays

Good problem and solution essay examples follow a simple structure; Introduction, Statement of the problem/s, Solution/s, and Conclusion. These are stated each on its own and in that order. As we mentioned above, the length of the essay will depend on the topic and target audience, among other things Problem Solution Essay Examples. SARA Model Of Problem Resolution. The situation at Riverside High School requires a method that is conducive to the overall solution of the graffiti being present at such a highly regarded high school. Riverside has garnered its safe reputation by being involved in voicing concerns and understanding the culture 1 | P a g e English for University Studies Sample 2 Problem-solution essay Draft 1 V1 Discuss how manufacturing industries contribute to water scarcity and suggest some measures to address the issue. With a significant demand for water during the production processes, industrial sectors could be one of the major factors leading to water shortage. A research conducted by Walker
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